Topic collection

... If you want to follow me spiritually, I will describe to you the earthbound beyond, which is not subject to any unit of time. The souls living in it only receive a sense of time when they enter the human energy aura. The timeless, subtle plane, which is connected with the gross material plane, is not subject to any of the three fall dimensions. You also call, for example, a piece of land between two country borders, no man's land. The spirit of God sees it similarly from his point of view. ...  

... The earthbound beyond is therefore not subject to the material dimension, for all life in it is subtle. An intermediate realm of life has been created by the beings of the Fall, which has been magnetically polarised to the earth.  ...

In each collection of topics there are significant divine statements, indications and examples, which come from already published messages and can be useful and profitable for some hearty God-connected people for their spiritual expansion of consciousness and refinement of being.

For what theme collection?

The heavenly love spirit explains in the following in short description to the readers and listeners of the love drops the sense and purpose of the short messages about a pure heavenly light being. These the love droplet team offers to them in own files as topic collection bit by bit.

Verily, the topics offered in short form shall ostensibly motivate the readers and listeners even more to understand the heavenly rules of life and characteristics of the pure light beings and spur them on to gradually include or implement them out of inner conviction in their daily earthly life without fanaticism, so that they can come a great deal closer to their heavenly life on the Inner Return Path. These divine message statements can help them to a higher soul-human consciousness vibration, to more day energies, greater empathy and compassion for their fellow human beings as well as to an expanded grasp of their present human, but also their eternal immortal life. Through their inner spiritual strength and higher vibration, they are better protected in this chaotic earth time from devastating epidemics and diseases, but also from insidious attacks of earthbound dark souls.

The short messages can also be a support and comfort for many a heartfelt person to view upcoming difficulties in one's own family, professional or interpersonal life, as well as media reports of bad events in the world or one's own environment from a higher perspective and with a spiritual overview, in order to be able to cope with them psychologically well.

In addition, short excerpts from longer divine messages containing various topics are sometimes better absorbed by the human consciousness to grasp the profound meaning more farsightedly.

Current date:

08. 08. 2023

All messages for reading

All messages for listening

The celestial beings of light live among themselves humbly, patiently and empathetically. They only know an impersonal life principle of equality, in which no being stands out through any behaviour or puts itself personally in the foreground. They feel very comfortable in this and appreciate it gratefully. 

What do you feel now when you hear this from my love spirit?  ....

... However, a pure celestial being cannot always be around the soul willing to return home, since it pursues its celestial dual life and also wants to accompany its dual partner blissfully into the next celestial evolution. It also needs a certain amount of heavenly time for itself and its dual partner to do this, because a dual pair should also realise its new evolutionary knowledge on its planet of residence. 

Can you understand this?