Know the creation. 

Find your way into humility

Selected texts

from the Love Drops Messages

These texts are small "spiritual droplets" for spiritually searching people who want to inform themselves about heavenly rules of life and characteristics of pure light beings and enjoy them. They can be very useful for further spiritual development. They contain profound spiritual explanations about cosmic life and important positive and self-protective behaviors, which enable a person to be more in harmony with his inner soul.

The more divine message knowledge the soul absorbs about its human being, the spiritual horizon expands in both of them and they are then more and more open to the cosmic real life. Thereby the soul can better classify and see through the human life and is then able to give its human consciousness again and again new impulses for the change of its unlawful, unattractive traits or mistakes and weaknesses.

If the human being is ready to ennoble his unattractive traits and behaviors, then he stands more in the divine protection and can receive productive divine forces over his high vibrating soul. It is a matter of taking some successful steps towards the expansion of consciousness through the refinement of the being.

Through these messages, man should be able to sense and feel from within that a cosmic eternal light being, his soul, dwells in him, which longs for the light home and from whose energies he lives predominantly. A spiritually awakened person and his soul returning to the heavenly light long very much for the heavenly noble ways of life. Such radiated people feel more and more to live in harmonious, peaceful, quiet and secluded way of life.

No divine message, which could ever be received on earth by a herald, contains only true basic knowledge from the evolutionary rules of life of celestial beings and from the cosmic particle laws. The celestial love spirit cannot transmit this via the narrowed human and burdened soul consciousness.

It is a question of examining the sense of the messages with the soulish heart, to think it over logically, to understand far-sightedly and to use it for the own further spiritual maturity.

Englisch (American) US.pdf

The book for listening