Divine messages

Englisch (American)

For many it will be difficult to imagine that even in the lightless hereafter life continues in a similar way as on earth. All human habits repeat themselves in the hereafter with the earth-bound souls, as if nothing had changed for them after leaving the earthly dress.

Please understand it correctly and arrange it well in your consciousness: The deeply fallen beings who rejected a heavenly return knew that they could undermine the heavenly orientation of the incarnated salvation plan beings towards humble and heartfelt qualities by their contrary lifestyles of arrogance and pride and many false statements. They intended to entangle the voluntary heavenly beings in their proud ways of life.

277 messages in chronological order:

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Truly, the profound messages of the I Am Deity can be accepted at this time only by those people who are sincerely ready to return with their soul to the heavenly life. The messages of God contain a free language of the spirit of love, in which heavenly characteristics and rules of life are explained and contrasted with those of your lowly existence. Warnings, admonitions and protective hints are also addressed to the heavenly returnees, which they may or may not heed. 

For those who are not yet open to the words of love, the Spirit of God tries to address them in a roundabout way, in various lawful ways. He never gives up. He always tries to meet them with help and hints.