Englisch (Britisch) 

I Am-love droplets from the heavenly-divine life source

The free universal, impersonal love spirit - GOD - gives to the hearty, after the divine truth searching people in the presence about a herald - who lives humbly and far from the public and belongs to no religion and also no spiritual or worldly interest group - new knowledge for their consciousness expansion, which goes into different earthly and heavenly areas of life and was partly unknown to the mankind up to now.

»Recommendation of a particularly important message

»Recognise creation.  Find your way into humility 

»Jesus Messages

»Divine messages

»Topic collection 

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What are the I Am love drops of God?

Source of the divine messages

God, the all-good impersonal spirit of love, offers in this earthly end-time via a religion-free herald small "spiritual droplets" from the big sea of his blissful heart feelings and wisdom to all God-connected people, who would like to inform themselves about heavenly rules of life and characteristics of pure light beings and also enjoy them. Every reader has the possibility to delve into them if he feels the need to do so.

The divine messages, of course, contain in their meaning, compared to the heavenly fullness, only a small touch of reality. The heavenly beings experience in their consciousness a magnificent fullness from the heavenly creation in infinite variations, which never ends in their blissful evolutionary life. The heavenly life is beyond the limited human imagination and therefore it will never be possible for God, the universal love spirit, to describe it even more extensively and in more detail.

However, for those who are well aligned with Him, the "spiritual droplets" can be very useful for further spiritual development, as they are very meaningful and extensive in their depth. They can be very valuable and important for all fallen and burdened beings for orientation on their celestial way back, therefore he gladly offers them to the inner humanity. Whether they are really precious for a spiritually oriented person, that will be felt by every single reader himself according to his opened up consciousness.

Whoever steadily offers his heartfelt feeling to God, the inner spirit of love, in his soul ground (life core), will be able to understand them reasonably well and will be very happy about it. Whoever feels joy and fulfillment when reading the heavenly love messages from within himself, can assume that the universal love spirit will soon welcome him in the heavenly worlds after his earthly life, since his spiritually awakened soul no longer has any great burdens.

Every "spiritual love drop of God" can only be understood from the point of view of heavenly properties of being, which heavenly beings created for themselves for their impersonal, blissful and free evolutionary life, which they lead joyfully in the just equality of being and cordiality, because only from the heavenly evolutionary properties (regularities) the original spirit of all life can offer a description to the people.

Thanks are due to every sincere, God-connected person for his willingness to want to come closer to God, the impersonal love-spirit, in his inner being. He will succeed in this only through a gradual realization of his previous knowledge of the heartfelt heavenly qualities and guidelines of life. This the universal love spirit and the heavenly beings wish him very much!

Why do the divine love droplet messages change from time to time in their statement and expression?

The "universal love spirit" - you also call him the heavenly-central impersonal being the "I Am deity" or have another name for him - greets you inner people cordially through me, a pure heavenly light being and gives you on your question an information from the heavenly source.

This short message is not given by me, but I take it up from the universal heart of God and pass it on with my own paraphrasing remarks to the heartfelt inner people who are spiritually open for the heavenly language of the spirit of love, because they still want to reach a higher consciousness on earth. That is, my being makes itself voluntarily available to the love spirit as spiritual channel or the knowledge from the divine heart flows for the passing on through my light consciousness to the herald who writes it down. 

The love spirit tries, before he answers your question, to report to you from the life of the heavenly beings, so that your idea of the heavenly being, your eternal light home, expands a little.

You inner people with the great longing to be able to return to the heavenly kingdom, look forward to your future inner life with the spirit of love. The most ingenious and beloved impersonal being of pure creation, our I Am Deity, always offers us celestial beings from her highest universal consciousness messages and instructions for new celestial evolutions, which we can receive from our pulsating being heart (life core), if we want this in our unlimited freedom. Her high all-consciousness cannot be tapped by a single celestial being and this will remain so for all eternity because all states of consciousness, also those of our original parents, are united in her or she administers them. From this ingenious memory knowledge it gives us to our questions an appropriate information in sound and picture. Therefore we are very happy when we receive from her again new instructions from her inexhaustible spiritual abundance for our glorious evolutionary life in the dual union, which cannot be surpassed in precision.

Our consciousness constantly grows from one heavenly eon (spiritual time unit) to the other, because through new realizations and experiences our view for the cosmic life expands more and more. But we owe this only to our beloved I Am Deity, who advises us in a humble, gentle and heartfelt way and gives us valuable hints, which we immediately want to incorporate joyfully into our dual life. But before that, we have the wonderful opportunity to examine the variations of life that are still unknown to us, until we then feel the inner desire to incorporate them into our varied lives. By the constant expansion of our consciousness also our communication kind or the expression of our picture language and its sound changes.

If we would look some eons back to our former spiritual state of development, then we could recognize by the stored pictures how narrowed our consciousness regarded the heavenly life at that time. This example from the evolutionary life of the celestial beings gives you to understand why with spiritually open announcers for cosmic knowledge novelties and celestial ways of life the language expression and the expressiveness always expand and change. From the point of view of the love spirit it is pleasing when the messages constantly perfect themselves by new and more extensively described law statements, since the ignorance of humans about the heavenly life is large. The transmissions of the love spirit with a spiritually far matured herald always contain knowledge novelties, which were unknown to the spiritually oriented people so far and become in addition ever clearer and more understandable, because their statements are more detailed and show a much larger spiritual volume than still some years ago. Through the heartfelt efforts of the Annunciator to realize a freer, more understanding and obliging way of life, he comes ever closer to the perfect heartfelt way of life of heavenly beings in the just equality among themselves. Due to the spiritually pleasing change of nature of a denouncer, it can happen that he no longer wants to know anything about the former messages of God. This is also what happens to this spiritually open-minded herald, since his manner of expression and spiritual overview have changed so seriously in only a few years that he would prefer not to offer the divine messages received several years ago to any reader. This is understandable for the love spirit, but not for some readers of the love drops, who found in it some, for them interesting and important spiritual knowledge transmissions and thought impulses, which helped to steer their life into a positive spiritual direction.

There are spiritually oriented people who still like to read the older message transmissions more often and are not bothered by the earlier, grammatically limited message language of the denouncer. Some are not very pleased about the later extended message form, because they still find it difficult to grasp it in their consciousness. When they compare the earlier and present messages, they notice the difference. It is because not only the soul consciousness, but also the human consciousness of the announcer could attain a spiritual expansion. Through the constant realization of his spiritual knowledge and through new life experiences, his soul-human consciousness has expanded considerably. Also by the constant examination of the messages for hearing errors and the re-reading of the corrected messages of spiritually oriented people from the team, his soul-human consciousness continuously takes up new storages. His former vocabulary is supplemented when he willingly picks up new words which are important for the love spirit to achieve a much clearer description of a regularity or description of a cosmic circumstance.

Of course, this can change the message style and also shorten it advantageously, because now enough words and terms about the human and spiritual life are available in his upper consciousness. However, the love spirit recommends him not to take in language expressions of intellectual people, because they have a low frequency, because they are not spoken and written about the soulish heart and show coldness of heart from the heavenly point of view. This language was once created by those people who wanted to emphasize their personality in order to be able to socialize in a higher social class. But the spirit of love warns the inner people on the heavenly way back and especially the heralds against such a noble language. Whoever adopts a language from them that has no heart sound, must reckon with the fact that he cannot hear the love language of God in himself from the core of his soul, because his prayer sound never reaches the high vibration of the love spirit in the life core. Instead, he calls up knowledge from his subconscious and soul sheaths that has formed in the superconscious similar to a message without him becoming aware of it. This is the sad result of an intellectual or noble language.

Unfortunately, most people from higher social classes are proud and haughty, even if they are godly people. These people have great difficulty in understanding, accepting and living up to the humble way of life of the heavenly beings. They are very reluctant to live simply and humbly, therefore, after reading a simply spoken message of God, they usually reject its content and prefer to go back to their personally elevated way of speaking and living unchanged. Their good school education often prevents them from recognizing grammatically simple language as truth.

This also happened with Jesus of Nazareth, whom the Jewish clergy, who belonged to an upper social class, ridiculed and considered inferior because he did not exhibit their educated religious language. Also in this earthly time nothing essential will change in the behavior of arrogant people, because they consider themselves to be especially important people in this world of falling beings.

Those of you who have taken in and understood the deep meaning of the last paragraph of the message in your mind, which is radiated through by the heart, will approve of the fact that the spirit of love prefers to address simple people who want to approach the heavenly rules of life with an honest heart.

Now you have received a small spiritual overview from the love spirit, why the messages of an annunciator, who is open for knowledge novelties and the extension of his vocabulary as well as his expression in the description of divine regularities, constantly change and extend. This is a quite normal development, which does not mean that the announcer has made listening mistakes in his longer past messages. Everything in cosmic life is subject to a constant spiritual expansion of consciousness, which never ends, because there is no spiritual standstill in universal events. This happens also with heart-open people who are open-minded and grateful for cosmic wisdoms or heavenly knowledge. To them every little spiritual support or every hint from the heavenly source means very much for their heavenly going home to be able to lead soon again a happy life in the unity with all beings in the light permeated heavenly worlds.

You inner people with extended consciousness, you yourselves decide whether you still want to deal with the longer past messages of the announcer, which contain less significance.

But to a person who has little spiritual knowledge and is only at the beginning of the heavenly way back, they can help to spiritual knowledge. In every message there are small precious drops of love from the heavenly truth. Truly, they can give many a spiritually searching person important hints, even in the simple form of expression and with less law content, which he has lacked up to now to new considerations and realizations. But the universal spirit of love leaves to every new wanderer into the heavenly light the freedom whether he wants to read older messages and to deal with their contents.

The universal love spirit thanks all people who have opened their hearts for him and wishes them the soon return to the noble life qualities of the heavenly beings. They were already familiar with this many, many eons ago, because they have already lived in the heavenly being with their inner light body. There the spirit of love and we celestial beings are eagerly waiting for you.

Why we should never slacken with the spiritual reorientation

At this message point I, Christ, from the celestial I Am love association, would like to address something else concerning the divine inspiration, so that the spiritually oriented inner people do not have any wrong ideas about it. Every celestial herald who has made spiritual progress on the Inner Path to the Kingdom of Heaven through his refinement of being is subject to constant spiritual reorientation until the end of his life, since new details of knowledge are always made known to him, sometimes to his horror, through divine message extensions. However, this should be considered positive by him and the readers of the messages, because through this the consciousness of the annunciator can open up even further to a more extensive and profound spiritual knowledge from the heavenly source of life. The pleasing result from the heavenly point of view is that the new knowledge of revelation far surpasses that of many years ago. However, from the point of view of a denouncer, it is not so pleasing that some message statements have to be more or less corrected or completely replaced because they no longer correspond to the current state.

But to the consolation of spiritually advanced heralds, it happened to me in my earthly life in the same way. Due to doubts about the new knowledge I received inspirationally from our heavenly Father Ur, I still had many soul struggles in the beginning and these lowered my vibration a lot. As a result, I sometimes found myself outside the heavenly protection and was at times vulnerable to the influences and attacks of the dark beings beyond. But again and again I went into the heart prayer and then felt safer by it. As a result, my higher vibrating soul could now spur me on through impulses and images to think over the new knowledge more far-sightedly and logically. Only then, when I understood the new message statements better, did I dare to take up the Inner Word of Heavenly Father Ur. He explained to me why the spiritual progress of a mediumistic person is so important and why, as a result, he always hears a newer knowledge in a revelation that more often contradicts his earlier one.

I have revealed this knowledge to you therefore, so that you don't commit again the great and tragic mistake - as it has done thousands of years believing people and also otherworldly religious beings and bind yourselves to divine statements and consider these as eternal, unchangeable and finally fixed knowledge!

(These statements come from the message: "Jesus Christ's life on the wandering and flight")

Many thanks to Divine Source and all the contributors. I would especially like to thank the herald for his efforts. For over 20 years he has been writing down the Love Drop messages that he silently receives from the Heavenly Worlds at night.




»Recommendation of a particularly important message

»Recognise creation.  Find your way into humility 

»Jesus Messages

»Divine messages

»Topic collection 


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